How often should you update your Website?

May 30, 2024
Daniel Burt
Web Development Company UK - Web Choice

It is really important to keep on top of your web updates, because if you don’t it can have a negative effect onSEO, customer retention, and conversion rates. Any content you add to your site needs to be high-quality, relevant to your niche, and be genuinely valuable to your target customer.  In this brief guide, will cover good practice of updates, plus we’ll address the most common pain points associated with updating.

Dynamic content updates

Dynamic content describes blog posts, news articles, product launches, and events. Between these, you should have enough to update your content, at least on a weekly basis, if not more. You can spread announcements out between your website and social media accounts, linking back between the two which will help with SEO. Once you are regularly releasing new content, your site should write better with the search engines as they favour a steady stream of high-value content.

Static content updates

Static content describes detailed information such as product, listings, specifications, functionalities, etc. By their nature static content updates are a bit more sporadic. We advise that every 2 to 3 months you review the info-based content on your site to check for inaccuracies and outdated information, updating where necessary.

Backend technical updates

Technical site updates cover what goes on behind the scenes, so that’s platform updates and security updates, etc. Technical updates need to be implemented as soon as possible to ensure that your site remains secure and maintains high performance and a good user experience. As with static content updates, technical updates may need to be conducted perhaps every two to three months on average. 

Product launch updates

Many businesses have product lines that shift considerably as the seasons change. If this describes your business, seasonal product changes are a great time for wider scale, website audits. It really helps with consistency and branding to change content simultaneously, and introduce site wide price changes etc, all at the same time.


Updating FAQs

Q) How often should you update your blog?

A) We recommend that you add new blog posts every week if positive. They can be brief, but they must always be to a high standard of quality to improve SEO

Q) How often should you update static content?

A) Static content should be updated as soon as possible, so that all information you display is always relevant, and your business remains credible and trusted. 

Q) What could happen if you don't regularly conduct technical updates?

A) if you don't keep on top of technical updates, you run the risk of introducing security vulnerabilities. Site performance can be affected too.

Q) What are good practices surrounding seasonal website updates?

A) The key to a successful seasonal content strategy is to plan in advance. If you've got lots of products, it can take a considerable amount of time to update them all ready for launch.

Q) Does regular updating have an effect on SEO?

A) Yes, it certainly does have an impact on SEO. When you add high value content and update your keyword strategy, it will boost your website in the search rankings and signal to your customers that your site and its contents are relevant.

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